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Course study note navigation

Create time: 2022-11-29 Last update: 2023-01-11

2022 semester 1#

FIT 9132#

click FIT9132 - Introduction to databases 2022 s1 for further details.

2022 semester 2#

FIT 5032#

click FIT5032 - Internet Application Development for further details.

FIT 5057#

click FIT5057 - Project management for further details.

FIT 5125#

click FIT5125 - IT research methods for further details.

FIT 5136#

click FIT5136 - Software engineering for further details.

cs 61a#

click CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs for further details.

2023 semester 1#

FIT 5225#

click FIT5225 - Cloud computing and security for further details.

FIT 5147#

click FIT5147 - Data exploration and visualisation for further details.

FIT 5046#

click FIT5046 - Mobile and distributed computing systems for further details.

FIT 5171#

click FIT5225 - Cloud computing and security for further details.

def my_function(b, c):  
    # Function logic goes here  
    a = b+c  
    return a  

# Additional function definitions go here  

def function_test():  
    c = 1 + 2  
    if c != my_function(2,1):  

# Additional test classes and test cases can be defined here  

if __name__ == '__main__':  